Transit Agency

Basic Fees for vessels passing through the straits of Dardanelles and Bosphorus


Basic Fees per each passage through one strait in EURO

0 - 1000   100
1001 - 2000   145
2001 - 3000   170
3001 - 4000   200
4001 - 5000   130
5001 - 7500   280
7501 - 10000   320
10001 - 20000 per 1000 NT or fraction thereof 15
20001 - 30000 per 1000 NT or fraction thereof 10
30001 - 40000 per 1000 NT or fraction thereof 5
40001 - 50000 per 1000 NT or fraction thereof 5

over 50001 additional, per 1000 NT or fraction thereof 5

a) These basic fees are for one passage through one of the Straits irrespective of direction.

b) During vessels passages from Turkish Straits, the dues and fees paid in full by the first nominated agent, when agent is changed during vessels return, the 1/2 of these dues are charged by the first nominated agent to the vessels second agent. The second nominated agent is obliged to pay the
charged amount to the first nominated agent.

c) Tug Boat Escorted Vessels Passing from Turkish Straits.

1- Vessels upto300 meters length, 25 % (tentyfive) ill be added to the Agency Basic Fee;

2- Towing vessels and Sea Vehicles, 50 % (ffty) ill be added to the Agency Fees

3- Vessels over 300 meters length or vessels passing under special permission, 75 % (seventyfive) will be added to Agency Fees

d) In case when vessels stay at port is extended causing for her transit condition to charge into free pratique, 25 % (twentyfive) ill be added to the Agency Fee (Agency fee being for 2 straits)